"Museo Inmigrante: Stories of Resilience from Somerville’s Padres Latinos" is on view January 11 through March 23 at the Somerville Museum.
This exhibit is curated by Ivan Abarca, Marta Fuertes and members of the Padres Latinos Group. In collaboration with photographers Mario Quiroz and Iaritza Menjivar, the exhibit explores immigration, home, family, memory, community, and purpose through the stories of Padres Latinos members. The exhibition also showcases objects brought with families during their journey, audio interviews, and more.
Many thanks to Mass Humanities, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and The Leonian Foundation for their support.
Collection of portraits.
Please inquire for assignments and/ or event photography needs.
“First Generation” is a long term series that documents the daily life of three generations of my immigrant family— my parents who arrived from Guatemala and El Salvador, and the generations that followed, born in the U.S. As “First Gens,” we have access to privileges that come with being born in the United States. At the same time, we also navigate the particular pressures on our immigrant families, whose lives are marginalized by a society that limits access based on names, status and skin color. The steps on our journey to move up in the world are colored by a goal to honor our family’s hard work and show them their sacrifices were worthy ones.
Healing generational trauma. Work in progress.
This project has been funded in part by Collective Futures Funds.
Seeing Oaxaca. Mexico. 2015 to 2020.
Seeing Greece.
“Aquellos ojitos verdes, ¿con quién se andarán paseando? // Ojalá que me recuerden, aunque sea de vez en cuando // Dicen que cuando suspiran, aquellos ojitos verdes // Me suspiran con la vida porque todavía me quieren.”
Ojitos Verdes is my grandmother’s favorite song. Whenever those feelings of fear, anger, confusion envelop her due to Alzheimers, my aunt plays music for her. Then she begins to sing and it like pressing a reset button.
Ojitos Verdes is not just a photo series, it is a love poem for my grandparents, aunts, and father.
Please inquire for wedding photography needs and engagement shoots.
S&R Wedding